Ferguson Protesters & the Media Fear Mongers

Protests are going again in Ferguson, and the media campaign of fear mongering is in full swing too.

Protests are going again in Ferguson, and the media campaign of fear mongering is in full swing too.

So now that the grand jury has declined to indict Officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown, people are protesting in Ferguson and throughout the country . . . And the media is hyping up and sensationalizing the crimes and violence that occur, as if they are representative of all the people who are upset about the way policing is being done in Ferguson and elsewhere.  But the media’s campaign of fear is keeping people from getting past their hysterical emotions and being able to talk to each other instead of at or over each other.  Here’s an article that explores this theme, and tries to find the underlying issues that are important to each side and point out what is legitimate in each side’s perspective.  http://www.meditations-on-life.com/ferguson-protests-media-misinformation/