Healing Racial Divisions in the Christian Church in America

Healing Racial Divisions in the Church in America

Healing Racial Divisions in the Church in America

According to the Apostle Paul, there are to be no racial divisions in the Church (“neither Jew nor Greek”).  Galatians 3:28.  Unfortunately, that is not the case, as the Church is the most segregated institution in the country (and by “Church” I do not refer to any particular denomination, parish, or congregation, but to the aggregate body of Christian believers and churches in the United States).  And this sadly means that God cannot use the church as an instrument to bring healing and racial reconciliation to the world, which is particularly tragic in light of recent events and protests.  But this is occurring only because we as believers are not following Jesus on these issues.

For more on this theme, see http://www.meditations-on-life.com/healing-racial-divisions-church-america/

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